We have all experienced the consequence of supply chain issues in the last couple of years. It can be very inconvenient! But when it comes to heating our homes it can be much more serious. The Boston Herald is reporting rationing of heating oil far in advance of the coldest weather headed for the northeast this winter. They are quoted saying, “the extreme fuel tightness across the New York Harbor and New England region has attracted the attention of the White House”. https://www.bostonherald.com/2022/10/23/heating-oil-market-under-pressure-even-before-peak-winter/
Even in areas where fuel sources are not in danger of rationing, the cost can be a serious concern as well. A month ago Rueters warned, “ U.S. consumers can expect to pay up to 28% more to heat their homes this winter than last year due to surging fuel costs and slightly colder weather, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) projected in its winter fuels outlook on Wednesday.
To combat this fear of fuel shortages and rising costs, many people are turning to the super-efficient, super tight home construction models that have become so popular. As we have discussed in past articles, the health concerns raised from this kind of construction can be heavy. If you want to build a home that will give you a healthy living environment and generations of freedom from dependance on the power grid, consider Enertia® Homes.

Our home design harnesses the power of the sun in a way so unique that when the US Patent office held a competition to find America’s most significant and potentially life changing new invention. Enertia® Homes was chosen over thousands of cutting edge scientific and medical inventions submitted from around the country. Our greatest source of energy is the sun. Reach out today to see how you can work with nature to find freedom that lasts.